Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tip # 3

This blog isn't just for health tips, but since it is something I am working on right now and thinking about, I decided to share some of the ways to help with healthy living. I want to help people be more healthy and have the skills to live a healthy lifestyle not just fade dieting.

Tip # 3 - No eating after 8 pm
Our bodies naturally start to slow down in the evening, which is why we eat at more regular intervals throughout the day, but we don't need to eat for usually 12 or more hours throughout the night. When we eat after 8pm our body hold on to those calories rather than burn them. The extra calories, just sit there and turn into fat. Also, we are generally less active in the evening, so we need less. Most of the time we eat just for fun or to snack, we are not usually hungry. If you are hungry in the evening, it may be that your body has gotten used to eating at that time and this will diminish after a while.

This is another one that doesn't seem too hard, but has been a bad habit in our house for a long time. Even as kids, we grew up having a snack before bed most nights, usually something like ice cream. Now, my husband and I often have leftovers from supper, sometimes we make another meal, dessert or anything else. Most evenings end with some kind of snack. I have decided to cut this out, but my husband has not. Yesterday, I was feeling quite hungry and my husband made himself something to eat. We even had pie and ice cream calling my name. Oh, I wanted it sooooo bad. But I was strong. I didn't give in. I can't always say that, but last night I was. Yeah! (of course it helped that we were watching Biggest Loser at the time)

Note: This does not apply to people who work nights or are awake or asleep at different times than the average.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! This is a VERY hard habit to break, I agree! Especially in front of the t.v. If I'm deeply involved in one of my hobbies, getting a snack occurs to me but I don't want to interrupt myself so before I know it it's bedtime and I've managed not to snack :)
    To help myself avoid snacking I've made a commitment I can't eat junk food if my snack is while I'm watching t.v., so only fruits, veggies, nuts. Although, occasionally I'll throw a few chocolate chips in there, lol. 8 pm is a good cut off time too, I'll try to add that to my commitment.
